Season 3 - Continued - Chapter 1 - JTom09 (2024)

Chapter Text

Title card: No Place Like Homeschool

“Hey, Lincoln's face is on the note sticking out of the second book.” said Morpheus.

“Good eye.” said Persephone.

Lori callseveryone for school and they all groan asthey wait in line.

“I’m pretty sure we all have that feeling.” said Sam.

“School sucks.” Carl grunted.

“I find it endearing when they challenge us.” said Lisa.

“As do I.” said David.

“Of course you would.” said Mollie, rolling her eyes.

Lincoln is the first in line, trying to hold his bladder and pounding his fist on the door.

"Sheesh, without a second bathroom you guys are doomed." Sergio squawked.

"That's an understatement of this situation." said Miguel.

“You Casagrandes are lucky since you have two, one in each apartment.” said Luan.

“Three if the Changs let us.” said Ronnie Anne.

“Actually the whole apartment if Rosa is fixing one of ours or they’re all occupied.” said Hector.

"I can't imagine how painful it is for you guys to hold your bladder in for so long, you guys sure have earned our utmost respect." commented Persephone.

"I had to endure that once, it was anything but nice." shuddered Ronnie Anne.

Clyde recalled. "You slept over with them, right?"

"Yup, with my familia too." nodded Ronnie Anne.

"Maybe Lincoln should go first since he takes less time in there.” suggested Clyde.

"Didn't you guys briefly have a second one?" asked Stella.

"Yeah… but it didn't work out well, to say the least." Rita stated.

"In Stride , the Louds eventually got a second bathroom near the kitchen and so far it worked out well for them." Joe‘s voice came.

"It does sound like a plausible idea, perhaps, we could try that idea too, my grand money from Sweden will help finance the project." said Lisa, adjusting her glasses.

Everyone murmured in agreement.

Lincoln calls for Luna to hurry up and the rock star Loud calls back from the bathroom saying she has to reach a note in her singing.

Everyone deadpanned at Luna.

“Luna, you can’t take too long in the shower just to hit a note!” scolded Lynn Sr. “There are other people in the house, especially when they need to get ready like you.”

“Not only that it can waste hot water.” Rita added. “We know you like to sing in the shower, but it shouldn’t take so long on a school day.”

"And maybe do that when you shower at night so you don't hold up the line." Sam suggested.

"Yeah, especially when everyone needs to get ready for school." added Tavvy.

Luan laughed sheepishly. ”Sorry guys I really shouldn’t be doing that when we’re getting ready for school.” she apologized.

Sam patted Luna’s shoulder. “that bit reminds me of when I would sometimes hog the bathroom at my house and Simon would tell me to hurry up.” (1)

Luna chuckled a little.

Lynn hits her hockey puck with her hockey stick on the bathroom door much to her siblings' (up front in the line) surprise. She slap shots it the other way, Lisa ducks under it and stops Lynn.

Everyone made the same face as the Louds.

Lynn explains that it's a waste of a shower if she doesn't sweat.

Everyone deadpanned at Lynn.

“Junior, you shouldn’t play hockey in the house like that!” scolded Lynn Sr. “You could’ve broken something or hurt one of your siblings!”

“I try to be careful!” Lynn defended.

“You hardly ever do that when you’re too deep in the zone.” Polly told her flatly.

"And you almost hurt your brother with that one." Ronnie Anne added as she held Lincoln.

Lana adds getting dirty as well as she mudsherself up.

“Lana you need to stop dragging mud into the house.” scolded Rita.

“The only reason mud should be in the house is if it’s for a spa mask.” said Carlota.

Lana gave a sheepish smile.

Lola pops herheadout of her room saying that she needs her eight hours before going back to bed.

The kids laughed, though Lola rolled her eyes. Beauty at night takes good work on her award-winning face and stylish golden hair.

Lucy scares Lincoln.

Everyone yelped.

Lincolnexplains that Lola has homeschooling due topageant season.

Everyone who didn’t know that was surprised.

“So pageant girls get to have time off from school for rehearsing?” asked Casey.

“Lucky!” Carl grumbled.

“Lola’s teachers do seem happier during that part of the year.” Huggins joked.

Everyone laughed and Lola pouted.

Lynn scoffs saying that homeschool is basically little work and goofing off.

“Uh, for your information Stink-Lynn, I did NOT goof off for the whole session.” Lola retorted, insulted and unamused.

"She's right, Every time I passed her room, she was already looking at her books." said Rita.

“That's not even close to what Homeschooling is.” said Ramirez. “While yes you are in the comforts of your own home, you still have to do the schoolwork.”

“We should know, sometimes we have students do a bit of both; regular and homeschool.” said Rivers.

“Oh we know alright.” said Luna.

Lynn blushed, embarrassed. “Sorry.”

Sid turned to Lola. “Talking of books, were you able to read them this time?” she asked.

“ Of course, it's thanks to Lincoln I can now read.” Lola replied, kissing Lincoln’s cheek. ”My brother's the best.”

Lincoln blushed. “Thanks Lola, glad I could help.”

Lana says Lola gets to go oneasy street.

“Not really.” Lola corrected. “While I am able to accomplish my homework and pageant practice, some can be harder than the others.”

“Well you have been doing pageants for years now.” said Albert. “More difficult homework during more professional pageants around your age range.”

Lisa says it's sixweeks this time, much to her siblings' shock as Lori explains Lola needs the time to practice.

“Six weeks?!” the kids all exclaimed in unison.

“By golly that’s a long time.” said Liam.

“That’s almost summer vacation!” exclaimed Rusty.

Lynn says she has basketball practice, football practice, lacrosse tryouts, and a hockey game all before Thursday.

Everyone was surprised.

“Geez that’s a lot of sports.” said Sameer.

"Lynn, if you keep doing too many sports like that your body's going to quit on you." said Lincoln. (2)

“He’s right, you gotta take it easy.” said Margo.

“You may be great at many sports Lynn, but the human body can only handle so much.” said Paula.

“Especially depending on your age.” said Polly.

“It never hurts to relax from sports for a while Lynn. We get you wanna be the best, but that doesn’t mean you need to go all out.” said Fransisco.

Lucy says she has two grave site services back to back tomorrow, at cemeteries on opposite sides of town.

“Still can’t believe they hire someone who’s not even double-digits yet for those kinds of services.” said Mr. Grouse.

“Well her job organizing funerals has shown good results.” said Albert.

Lana saysshe's dumpster diving after school with Flip all week.

“OK dumpster diving is one thing, but I wouldn’t with someone like Flip.” said Margo.

Lisachime in that she's speaking about sodium sulfate at the science club after school the next day.

“And we appreciate what Lisa gives to us there.” said David.

“Are all the members of the science club geniuses?” asked Adelaide.

“Some are smart, though not as much as David and I, some just like to do it for fun.” Lisa replied.

Lana complains how Lola gets to sleep in. Lucy adds not waiting in line for the bathroom. And Lynn adds that she gets to raid the fridge.

“Those do sound like nice privileges.” said Carl.

“Though that last part is hard to when Lynn pigs out there.” Lola said.

Lynn tried to duck out of sight.

Luan suggests theyshield be homeschooled too. Lori says Mom and Dad won't let them. Lincoln has an idea.

"So what do you have in mind?" Ronnie Anne asked.

“Wait and see R.A.” Lincoln replied.

Later, Lincoln was with his parents (and Lily) in the living room wearing his blue suit, and presenting his case.

“Still adorable in that suit as always.” Carol giggled.

Lincoln tried to pretend he was invisible as the girls giggled and guys chuckled. Ronnie Anne smiled and kissed his forehead.

As Lincoln finisheshis speech, Rita cuts in saying that theyknow they all havethings to do.

“Can be tiring at times.” said Lynn Sr.

“Imagine if they were all on the same day.” joked Carlota.

The Louds and Clyde traded glances, remembering when such a thing happened before Scotland.

Lincoln asks ofthey can be homeschooled too. Lynn Sr. comments that Lola's done it a whole and the others can try too.

“Hey it worked!” said CJ.

“I’m surprised you agreed to it so easily.” said Harold.

"What can I say Lincoln's very convincing.” Rita shrugged before smiling. “Plus it's always nice to see my baby boy get all handsome like that." she added as she ram a hand through Lincoln’s hair and kissed his cheeks, making him feel embarrassed.

"MOM, you're embarrassing me!" Lincoln whined, blushing red.

Rita just chuckled and then pinched his cheeks.

The siblings cheer.

Rita reminds themthat she will be home and expects them to get all theirworkdone on time or it's back to regular school. They agree.

“That’s a fair deal.” said Howard.

“I read your book when it came out and loved it.” Maria told Rita.

“Why thank you Maria.” Rita smiled.

“Is the main character really based on Lincoln?” Ronnie Anne asked.

“Yes, it was based on our adventure on that Take Your Daughter to Work Day.” replied Rita.

“I am so picking up a copy.” Ronnie Anne grinned.

"Y'know… I'm kind of curious. (looks around) Aside from the Louds, has anybody here been homeschooled?" asked Clyde.

"Until 4th grade, since my folks wanted to save money for tuition, gas, and other stuff." started Liam.

"A week when my leg first broke to keep up with my education," added Paula.

“I’ve been homeschooled for years and didn’t start going to regular school until last year.” said Laird.

“I was myself for a few years, being part of a big family and money was different during those times.” said Mr. Grouse.

Lola's working on herschoolbook when hersiblings come up. Lana says they're being homeschooled now.

Everyone laughed.

Lola was shocked. "What?! Why do you guys need homeschool?"

“Not all about you.” said Sergio.

Lincoln tells herthey're all busy in their lives too.

“That is true when they all have all their likes and after school activities.” said Stella.

“Especially Lincoln when he tries to keep them all in check.” said Ronnie Anne.

“On occasion.” said Clyde.

Luan enteredenters juggling on her unicycle, saying that they get to goof off with Lola.

Everyone facepalmed. But before any educators could say anything...

Lolaretorts that it's more than goofing off as they have schoolwork to do.

“She is correct, homeschool does have the word ‘school’ in it.” said Mrs. Johnson.

“And since Lola has that experience during her pageant season, she would be a good expert in your household.” said Norm.

Lucy says they have time since they got aweek.

“True a week is a good length to do it.” said Tabby.

“But I wouldn’t say it’s a ‘walk in the cemetery’ to describe it.” said Laird.

"Yeah, if you can manage it, I'm sure we can." Lincoln said confidently.

“Yes but only if you focus.” said Agnes.

Lola warns them that the work can sneak up on them.

“That is true when you procrastinate.” said Carlos. “No matter what grade or college you're in.”

The siblings barring Lola and Lily traded nervous glances.

Latereveryone's in the kitchen.

“Another good thing about being homeschooled, being able to be in your jammies longer.” said Liam.

“That’s why pajama day at school is fun!” giggled Darcy.

Luna comments how this is the life. Lisa agreessaying that shegets to read a college math book.

“Why does she even have to go to school?” asked CJ.

Lorisays Lisa's missing the point.

“Agreed.” said Becky.

"You goof off your way, I'll goof off mine." Lisa retorted.

“She has a point.” shrugged Nikki.

“Still, homeschooling is more than just goofing off.” said Rosa.

In the backyard, Lincoln was playing with an Ace Savvy action figure.

“Ooh I like this story already!” grinned Becky.

“Blackjack’s lair in the Amazon, a good classic!” said Chaz.

“This is cute.” giggled Sid.

Lincoln smiled and the girls couldn’t help but feel bad for making fun of his likes again.

Lana joins in on the fun.

Everyone laughed.

“Aw that’s nice seeing you play with Lincoln’s Ace Savvy stuff with him Lana.” smiled Sid.

“Better than making fun of him.” added Adelaide.

“Well I do love having fun with my big brother.” said Lana as she hugged Lincoln. Lincoln smiled and hugged Lana back.

Lucy was hanging upside down on the fence with her bats.

Leni was pushing a giggling Lily on a swing.

Lynn was jumping rope.

Cliff was sleeping but Lola was reading with sunglasses.

Everyone shook their heads at how lazy the Louds were being.

“Wow you really are taking the goofing off thing a little far.” said Stella.

“Guys, I think you guys have misunderstood when it comes to homeschool, I mean yes you could rest and have fun, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't study.” said Ronnie Anne.

“Yeah you should have at least read the workbook given by Mrs. Loud.” said Sid.

Lincoln sighed “We know.”

“We should have thought before doing that.” Lori sighed as well.

“Aw but look at Leni pushing Lily on the swing!” giggled Jackie.

“So cute!” cooed Sid.

Lola tells them it's 2:00. They all thank her and get to work.

“Wow Lola was right, it sneaks up on you.” said Skippy, taken aback.

“That’s what procrastination does to you.” said Carlos.

"Guess it's true what they say, time does fly when you're having fun." said Albert.

Lori places workbooks on the dining room table and passed them around with Lincoln.They read page one of the book for a few seconds.

Everyone stared intently.

"Boom, one page down." Lynn said triumphantly.

The younger kids laughed.

“Lynn, you only read one page, you should keep reading.” Margo lightly chided.

“And most importantly, the first page was just to say that you should read this workbook and pay attention.” added Paula.

Lynn laughed nervously. “Sorry.”

Leni shows them a cat video Chaz sent.

The kids laughed as Leni kissed Chaz on the cheek as he smiled and blushed.

“I do love a good cat video.” said Clyde.

Lori gets them back on track... by reading the same page again.

“Uh… you guys read that already.” said Rusty.

“Really none of you could bother to read the second page?” Huggins asked, raising an eyebrow.

The Loud siblings (except Lily and Lola) sweat dropped.

They hear a jingle and Lana shouts it's the ice scream truck.

“ICE CREAM!” the kids cheered as the adults rolled their eyes in amusem*nt.

They go outsidebut see that it's Mr. Grouse playing songs on a radio.

Everyone laughed.

Now Lynn wants ice cream.

“I hear that LJ.” said Liam.

“Hope we get some next break.” said Giggles.

“I can arrange that.” came Joe’s voice, much to the kids’ excitement.

Leni says theyshould get some as they read the first pagetwice.

Everyone facepalmed.

“I wouldn’t call that ‘earning it’ Leni.” said Miguel.

“You guys goofed off all morning, read one page, and now you’re going out for ice cream?” asked Leonard.

“You’re supposed to be doing your schoolwork, kids.” Lynn Sr. said sternly.

“You can’t be procrastinating all the time.” Rita added.

The siblings traded sheepish and guilty glances.

Lola comes by and Lucy asks if she wants ice cream. Lola says she has pageant work to do.

Everyone was surprised.

Lola then saw Winston staring at the screen going “Ba… ba… ba…”

Lola giggled. “You like what you see, Winsty?”

Winston paused, blushed, and sheepishly nodded. “Yes… you’re beautiful ,” he replied.

“Oh Winsty!!” Lola gushed as she kissed Winston’s cheek, making him blush redder than Lynn’s jersey.

Luan says Lola needs to work on her work-life balance.

Everyone deadpanned at the group, though some kids laughed.

“Talk about hypocritical, you guys can’t even do that when benign homeschooled.” retorted Mollie.

The Louds gave sheepish looks, rubbing the back of their necks.

Later that night, the kids, minus Lola, are brushing their teeth.

Lynn chants "Homeschool" andsquirtstoothpaste on Lisa's glasses causing the siblings to laugh.Lisa wipes it off with a sponge squeegee.

The kids laughed.

Leni says they haven't done their work at all this week.

Everyone was shocked.

“You mean you didn’t do any of the work all week?!” exclaimed Rivers.

“Well we tried to… but we got distracted…” Lincoln said in shame.

Luan points out that tomorrow's Friday so they can do their work on Monday after the weekend.

Everyone facepalmed.

Rita and Lynn Sr. stared disapprovingly at the kids minus Lola and Lily for having spent the entire week during their homeschooling procrastinating. As did the faculty from all three schools in attendance.

“Kids, I’m disappointed.” Rita said.

“As are the rest of us educational administrators.” said Huggins.

“Seriously guys, an entire week and you guys haven’t done any of your school work?” Stella exclaimed, gesturing to the screen.

“We know, we forgot the ‘school’ in homeschool.” Lincoln sighed.

“Honestly Linc, I expected better from you. Yet you also became a procrastinator like you sisters.” Ronnie Anne grunted.

“Hey!” the sisters minus Lola retorted.


Everyone facepalmed.

“Leni you’re thinking of a prosthetic actor.” Lori corrected.

“Back to the point, Luna even without this you pretty much blow off a majority of your assignments till the last minute.” Sam said and Luna rubbed her arm sheepishly.

“Luan you did tell me you were close to failing last March because you spent more time planning pranks for April Fools day than studying.” Benny added.

Luan winced.

“We know it was stupid of us to procrastinate like that.” sighed Lucy.

“It really was dumb of us…” sighed Lana.

Lola comes in saying that they should get to bedbecause they have a test at 8 in the morning, much to theirsurprise.

Everyone who never took homeschooling before was surprised as well.

“They gotta take a test?” asked Polly.

“Well the word ‘school’ is in there.” said David. “You would be tested on what you learned from your assignments like in regular school.”

Carlos was instantly reminded of Carlota neglecting her studies for a game.

Lola says theytakea test every Friday to make sure they've been learning instead of slacking off all week.The siblings grew worried as Lucy asks why no one told them that. Lola shows them that it's on page 2 of their books, making them gasp.

Everyone gasped.

“Oh geez.” winced Bobby.

“How did you guys forget that?!” exclaimed Carol. “That’s what your mom told you!”

“You kids really should’ve focused on your work and not slack off until it was all taken care of!” scolded Rivers.

“Then you wouldn’t be worried about it at the last minute!” added Agnes.

Principal Ramirez then turned to Rita. “While we are disappointed in the kids for not doing their work, how come you didn't check on them Mrs. Loud?” she asked.

“Yes as you said you were the only parent in the house as your husband was at work.” said Huggins.

Rita sweatdropped. “I guess I was confident thinking they would do the work… it’s not that I didn’t trust them… but you’re right I should’ve made sure they weren’t slacking off so much without their work done.” she sighed.

“It was our own fault for not doing any of it…” sighed Luna.

Looking atLeni, Lincoln comments that of course theydidn't see it.

“Yeah… that should’ve been on the first page. That way it would’ve stuck in their minds to get everything done earlier.” said Dante.

“It’s like a highly advanced spellbook… the warnings come after the spells.” grunted Lincoln. (3)

Lola confirms Lori's fears; they fail, they go back toregular school, much to the siblings' horror.

Everyone shuddered. Even Lola.

“Ok, that was scary…” said Haiku.

“And a little too dramatic.” added Liam.

Thesiblings were terrified about going back toregular school.

“Come on guys, regular school isn’t that bad.” said Sid.

“Sure there’s bullies like Chandler and hardcore teachers like Mr. Bolhoffner, but it’s another good place to be with your friends.” said Clyde.

“And you only wanted to be homeschooled so you could goof off.” said Nikki.

Lisa wasconfident that she has nothing to worry about.

Everyone deadpanned at Lisa.

But then she read that kindergartners will be graded on their week's worth of arts and crafts projects, lamenting that is not her strong suit, saying her fingers werestubby digits.

“Oof, that’s gotta stink.” said Sergio.

Darcy patted Lisa’s back comfortingly.

“It’s like what you did in Future Tense was for nothing.” grunted Adelaide.

“Sorry to say that, but it's your fault, I remind you that when you're in homeschool doesn't mean you have to do what you want.” said Carol.

“She's right, if you read the notebook more often instead of having fun or being distracted, it should never have happened.” nodded Dana.

“I'm sorry we didn't know.” Lincoln sighed.

“But you should have at least looked at page two first so you should have known.” Ronnie Anne told him.

“But instead, you just read page one and that's it.” said Sid, gesturing to the screen.

“I’d expect this kind of laziness from Carl.” said Carlota.

“Hey!” Carl said indignantly as CJ, Carlitos, and Sergio snickered.

Lincolnencourages them to pull an all nighter saying that they can do it.

“It’s a long shot, but yeah you can still pull it off.” said Stella.

“While you may lose some sleep, at least you’ll have the knowledge in your head.” said Chunk.

Leni agrees. No distractions.

“Damn right no distractions!” nodded Joey.

"Thesiblings agree,

The ice cream jingle is heard again. Lori pulls out a banknote, only for it to be Mr. Grouse driving by.

Everyone laughed.

“Were you doing that on purpose?” asked Albert.

“Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t.” Bud shrugged. “While I do care about the Louds their antics do drive me up the walls.”

“Understandable.” shrugged Huggins.

During the night, the kids have just finished eating a tub of Morgan's strawberry ice cream.

Everyone chuckled.

Lynnsaysthey gotta buckle down as she shoves her ice cream onto Cliff.

Everyone laughed.

Lisasaystheyshould freethemselves from all distractions. Lucy says they all won't fit in her bunker.

Everyone made the same face as the Louds.

Lisa has a better idea: Her bunker. While Lynn is surprised, Lisa says she'll be changingthe locks.

“What’s so secret about it anyway?” asked Boris.

“NASA connections.” said Luan.

“Prototype weapons for self defense in case were being attacked.” said Lincoln.

“Other prototype experiments Lisa doesn’t want her siblings touching.” added Clyde.

They all try to start theirEwok in the bunker while Leni clicks her pen, much to Luan's annoyance.

Lynn's stomach starts growling. She chuckles sheepishly, much to Lana's annoyance.

“How are you hungry after eating ice cream?” asked Sam.

“Unless that was gas.” said Skippy.

“No it was hunger.” said Lynn. “And my gut can hold a lot of food.”

Lynnaccuses Luna of tapping her foot louder than her growling stomach, Luan retorts it downs out the sound of Lucy chewing her pen. Lucy says it helps her focus, and away from Lori's perfume. Lori asks would they rather smell that or Lana's old hatandthey all argue.

Everyone facepalmed.

“Oh for god’s sake…” sighed Morpehus.

“This is getting you nowhere for your all-nighter.” sighed Carlota.

Lincoln blares an airhorn, alarming them all. He says thissnit working.

“Darn right it isn’t.” said Ronnie Anne.

Lisa takes the air horn off his hands, saying it'sscare away post-apocalyptic mutants... and/or Mr. Grouse.

Everyone looked at her.

“You got an airhorn for mutants yet you make fun of Lincoln’s interests for that sort of thing?” asked Rusty.

“As in childish and immature?” added Liam.

“Talk about being hypocritical.” huffed Jordan.

Lisa winced.

“Also why would you think using an airhorn would work on me?” Mr. Grouse asked.

“You hate loud noises.” Lisa replied.

“True.” her elderly neighbor shrugged.

Thesiblings wonder how Lola pulls it off every year.

“Simple. I make sure not to let my likes and hobbies get in the way of my education so I can continue doing what I love.” said Lola. “Same applies to pageant friends of mine like Roxanne and Cricket.”

“What about Lindsay?” asked Darcy.

Lola growled but Winston patted her shoulder to calm her down. “Her too.” she said.

“Well you do have 4-5 years under your belt - or rather, sash - of it.” said Stella.

Lincoln and thesiblingsknow what they have to do...except Leni whoasks what.

Everyone facepalmed.

Lincoln says they need to wake Lola up. The girls say she needs 8 hour or she doesn'tfunction.... andshe's a biter.

The kids shuddered.

“I wouldn’t wanna wake her up unless it was for an emergency.” said Rusty.

Lola felt bad for being so high maintenance.

Lincoln says someone has to. The girls nose-go and he loses, much tohisannoyance.

Everyone glared at them.

“Ya didn’t need to be so smug about it you schmucks.” scowled Ronnie Anne.

The sisters push Lincoln into Lola's room and one shuts the door.

“And ya didn’t have to shove him into the room!” snarled Becky.

“The things he does for you girls.” muttered Stella as the sisters, barring Lola and Lily, winced.

Lincoln is about to tap on snoring Lola when...

Everyone was nervous as well. "Lola I swear if you hurt him…" Ronnie Anne said firmly as as she shook her fist at Lola.

“Ronnie Anne, calm down.” Lincoln said firmly but calmly.

"Can I help you?!"

Everyone jumped.

Lincoln gets startled, bumps into his other sisters behind him, gets surprised again and crashes on the floor as the lampshade and alarm clock falls down.

“Why were you girls there? You were the ones who threw him to the wolf!” huffed Zach.

The girls winced.

Lola wanted to retort, but given how she acted when her beauty sleep was interrupted, she decided not to speak.

Lincolnapologizes saying that they need her help for an all nighter. Lola's annoyedsince she needs her sleep and she warned them.

“She did do that.” nodded Myrtle.

“Expert homeschooler in the family.” said Stella.

The girls beg for her help. Lola says its all about hard work and discipline.

“Which you achieve pretty well.” said Winston.

“Indeed. Given the progress we see on your test packets during pageant season, you do a good job Ms. Loud.” said Huggins.

“Oh why thank you!” Lola smiled.

Lana was out but Lincoln stopped her. He asks Lola to help themwith he hard work part. Lola's annoyedthat it's almost three, but agrees stating they owe her a lot oftea parties.

“That was a very nice thing you did Lola.” said Ronnie Anne with a smile.

“And I get the feeling about losing sleep.” said Sid.

“Still, that was very noble of you dear.” said Myrtle.

Lola couldn’t help but smile. She didn’t have to help her siblings since they procrastinated… but she knew it was the right thing to do. Family did look out for each other.

The next day, the worried kids are writing on pieces of paper, Lisa is making an arts and crafts bouquet of flowers, and a really tired Lola rubs her eyes constantly.

Everyone winced at how tired Lola looked while her siblings barring Lily all felt guilty.

“Wow you really got zero sleep.” said Casey.

“Now I feel bad you missed a load of it.” said Carl.

"Wait, but no one else — aside from Lily, I guess — got sleep either. How come Lola was the only one seemingly deprived?" asked Arturo.

"Maybe they were so used to little hours of sleep that they've built up a resistance." guessed Carlos.

"Especially Lincoln with how much chaos his sisters bring." jabbed Ronnie Anne.

Rita stops them on her stop watch. Lisa's covered inpipe cleaners.

“Yikes, art really isn’t your thing.” said Jackie.

“Indeed. It was the desire to put up for my parental units’ sake in Future Tense.” said Lisa as her parents winced.

They hand their stuff in and Rita says they passes.

Everyone was amazed and impressed.

“Wow that all-nighter paid off after all!” said Sid.

“Way to go you lot! You still passed despite pushing it off to the last minute.” said Clyde.

“You really helped them out Lola. I’m very proud of you.” smiled Albert.

“Thanks Pop-Pop.” Lola smiled, though she and her siblings frowned as they knew what was about to come next.

All the kids cheer, except Lola.

Rita tells her that she didn't finish. She had twoquestionsunanswered and it would be back toregularschool onMonday. Lola says she won't have time for practice but Ritatells her that she knewthe rules andnow has to pay the consequences.

Lola was upset and her siblings feelguilty.

Everyone felt bad for Lola.

“Way harsh for only two questions missed.” said Rusty.

“Well that’s what the tests are for, to make sure you aren’t slacking off.” said Agnes.

“And if homeschooling isn’t working out for you then you have to go back to regular school.” added Rivers.

“Nice going you idiots, you cost Lola her homeschooling.” Zach scowled.

“From what we’ve seen pageant season isn’t easy and now she’s gonna be in a struggle to catch up.” grunted Jordan.

“You should’ve listened to Lola about this stuff.” said Laird. “As a former homeschooler, I know it’s bad to procrastinate this kind of stuff.”

“She was responsible and lost. You guys weren’t and you still got what you wanted!” scowled Liam.

The Loud siblings felt terrible for what they did.

And then…

“EVERYONE STOP!” Lola shouted before anyone could chew out the Louds further. Lola took a deep breath and sighed. “Yes Lisa and all my older siblings were lazy and it nearly costed them their homeschooling. And yes by helping them so late at night, it costed me mine…” But then she smiled. “But I’m happy they passed.”

Everyone was taken aback.

“But why? Lola we were lazy.” said Lincoln, confused.

“And we were the ones who got you up at 3 to help us.” said Lori.

“And it costed you your own homeschooling!” said Leni, rubbing her neck in guilt.

“Yes that is all true… but it did feel nice to help you guys.” Lola smiled. “And in the end, despite everything else, it was nice to see you guys manage to get through a hard test - and project - under such conditions.”

The Louds smiled.

“Thanks Lola…” said Lynn. “But that still didn’t mean what we did was right.”

“How are you guys gonna make it up to her?” asked Margo.

“Just watch.” said Lisa.

On Monday,Lola woke up early and was surprised to see her siblings in line for thebathroomsince they started their homeschooling at 2.

Everyone was surprised too.

“Yeah what gives?” asked Skippy.

“Yeah you don’t have to get up that early.” said Laird.

“Unless you’re actually trying to get all the schoolwork out of the way that early first.” said Sid.

“Actually…” Luan trailed off.

Lori reveals they're all going back to regular school, much to Lola's shock.

“Huh?!” everyone else exclaimed in shock.

“But why?” asked Adelaide.

Lincolnsays it was their fault she failed since they kept her up all night,

“It’s good that you acknowledged that.” Albert said approvingly.

Lucy says they talked to theirparents and will give her a secondchance. Lynn says they won't distract her. Lola wastouched that they'd give up homeschooling just for her.

Everyone smiled proudly at the kids.

“That was a very nice thing you little minnows did.” said Leonard.

“Aye, letting Lola be able to do her homeschooling again so it will be easier for her practicing for her pageants.” said Frida.

“But what about your things? Sports, music, comedy routines for birthday parties?” asked Rocky.

“We can still enjoy those things, we just gotta plan them out better.” said Lori.

“And I was able to get through all my sports things.” said Lynn.

“And my cemetery plans.” added Lucy.

“That’s good it worked out for you.” said Myrtle.

“So they told you the truth?” Albert asked.

“They did.” said Rita. “While we were upset with them, they owned up and were willing to do it for Lola.”

“And we were proud of them for doing so, showing they learned how homeschooling my be fun, but it also has regular schoolwork to do.” said Lynn Sr. “And as a bonus, it was also kind of a reward for Lola considering she only failed because she helped her siblings regardless of the consequences.”

“Despite the circ*mstances, that was very nice of you, my sweet.” Winston said to Lola, kissing her hand.

“Aw Winsty!” Lola cooed.

Lola hugs them.

As Luna comes out of the bathroom, they hear a horn, making them think they're late.

Everyone was shocked.

“The bus is there already ?!” exclaimed Stella.

The school faculty narrowed their eyes.

“That can’t be right, we would’ve sent a notice to all parents and legal guardians about it so they don’t miss the bus.” said Huggins.

All but Lola rush outside... to see Mr. Grouse playing his sounds again, much to theirannoyance.

Everyone laughed.

“Sorry if I made you panic. But what can I say? Those sounds are classic.” said Grouse. “That’s why I love them!”

“On the plus side you weren’t late.” said Sid.

The Loud siblings turned to Lola, feeling guilty.

“Lola… we’re so sorry we almost cost you your homeschooling.” said Lincoln.

“We were just so happy to have a lot more freedom and be goofing off we forgot all about the ‘school’ part in homeschool.” said Lynn.

“We should’ve listened to you, studied, and we wouldn’t have had to pull an all-nighter.” sighed Luna.

“And wake you up to help us study. You almost lost your homeschooling and chances to practice for pageant season because of us.” sighed Luan.

“I forgive you guys.” smiled Lola. “Yes you should’ve focused on your work but I’m glad you were able to pass with my help. And I am still thankful you got me back in homeschool so I could practice for my pageants.”

The Louds smiled.

“Thanks Lola.” said Lucy.

"Lincoln I know you could have made homeschooling work for you, you're smart plus you're the man with a plan." Stella complimented.

"Thanks." Lincoln smiled at Stella.

"Although I must say, I'm glad you and your sisters decided to go back to public school, If you didn't me and you would probably never be friends, and Lincoln you are one of the best friends I've ever had." Stella told him.

Lincoln smiled wider, rubbing the back of his head.

“And now you Louds know how serious and not-so-easy homeschooling is.” said Huggins.

“And on the off chance you do get to be homeschooled again whether you're in elementary, middle, high school, or even college, you’ll know not to procrastinate.” said Carlos.

“Believe us, we learned our lesson.” said Lynn.

“And I doubt we’ll be homeschooled anytime soon.” said Lisa.

“We’ll only do that if our own hobbies start taking up more of our time in a professional way like Lola’s pageants.” said Luna.

“And if you need help, you can still talk to Lola or anyone else that has experience being homeschooled. Just make sure it’s not at 3 in the morning.” joked Rivers.

Everyone chuckled.

At that moment, a giant pink bubble came down from the sky.

“Whoa what is that?!” exclaimed Rusty.

“A giant pink bubble?” guessed Darcy.

“Is it Glinda the Good Witch of the North?” asked Clyde.

The bubble vanished and there stood Joe.

“No it’s me.” he chuckled. “But yeah I decided to enter like how Glinda did in the movie. Just for fun.”

“Clever.” praised Lola.

“Anyways, it’s break time. And I will join you once more.” Joe said, snapping his fingers as food appeared on the table.

“Sweet! Thanks dude!” Luna grinned.

Everyone got up and went to get their food and beverages.

Special Dialogue thanks to:
Gloyd R. Orangeboar













(1) Loud House Comic story “ Rockin' Routine

(2) Regular Show - Rigby's body

(3) Doctor Strange

Season 3 - Continued - Chapter 1 - JTom09 (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.